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Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council was formed in the year 2001, from the Parish Development and Renewal Group. Its constitution allows for fifteen members and the priests of the parish. Ten of the fifteen members are nominated by the parish community, the remaining five members are chosen by the priests.

The objectives of the Council are:

  • Listen and respond to the hopes, ideas, needs and concern of parishioners and the people of God throughout the diocese.
  • Be a vibrant and visible group within the parish, working together and promoting meaningful parishioner involvement at all levels of parish life.
  • Reflect on and plan future directions for the parish and prioritise initiatives to be undertaken.
  • Provide the on-going formation, evaluation and training for Council members and existing groups in the parish.
  • Be a channel of communication within the parish and diocese.
  • Recognise work already done, affirm the contribution of those involved and celebrate the gifts and achievements of all parishioners.

A newsletter is published quarterly by the Parish Pastoral Council. A sub group of the Pastoral Council work hard to ensure that the newsletter contains information from both Parish and community.

Contact :

Parish Office (0402) 317 16

Tel : (0402) 317 16 | Email : [email protected]
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