Parish Groups

Arklow Parish Lourdes Group

The Arklow Parish Lourdes arranges trips to Lourdes during September each year. Due to the generosity of local businesses, Societies, Arklow Town Council and the sale of our Local Telephone Directory we have over the last number of years been in a position to financially assist parishioners who otherwise would have been unable to go [...]

Parish Finance & Building Committee

This committee, comprising of priests and parishioners act as a consultative body to the parish priest, who as the juridical person has the ultimate responsibility for the financial administration of the parish. This committee advises on finances, insurance, maintenance and development of parish property. Parish accounts are audited and published annually.


Parish Office (0402) 317 16

Baptismal Preparational Group

Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 1.00 p.m.

(Please give two weeks notice to the Parish Office).

The Baptismal Preparation Group consists of parishioners who have received a specialised theological training enabling them to assist parents and godparents prepare for the baptism of their children.

Parents with children for Baptism are visited by team members during the week prior to Baptism and are invited to a preparation meeting in Árus Lorcáin on the Thursday night prior to the Baptism. The team discusses various aspects of Baptism with the parents and godparents and the Rite of Baptism is explained. Parents with children for Baptism are invited to participate in the pre-Baptismal Preparation whether they want to have their child baptised in this parish or another parish.

At the Baptism the team members assist the priest and organise family members in the Church. Some weeks after the child’s Baptism, the team visits the home and brings Baptismal water and a booklet on the Faith to the parents.

A prenatal blessing for expectant parents is held in the Parish Church on four occasions during the year normally associated with a feast of Our Lady.


Parish Office (0402) 317 16

Friends of the Bereaved

The Friends of the Bereaved is a group of parishioners who have received special training in counseling of the bereaved. We meet on a monthly basis and offer support group meetings for those who are bereaved either in their homes or in Árus Lorcáin. We are involved in the annual November Mass for the deceased.

New members are welcome.


C. O’Reilly/ P. O’Boyle at the Parish Office at (0402) 317 16.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

(Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion for Adults)

Our parish with the help of a team of parishioners offers a Faith Education Programme and Process for adults and teenagers who wish to be baptised or welcomed fully into the Catholic Church. Those welcome to enrol for this programme include those who have been baptised already into a Christian Church other than the Catholic Church, those who have not been baptised or those who have not yet received the Eucharist and Confirmation.


Parish Office (0402) 317 16

Tel : (0402) 317 16 | Email : [email protected]
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