Parish Groups

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council was formed in the year 2001, from the Parish Development and Renewal Group. Its constitution allows for fifteen members and the priests of the parish. Ten of the fifteen members are nominated by the parish community, the remaining five members are chosen by the priests.

The objectives of the Council are:

  • Listen and respond to the hopes, ideas, needs and concern of parishioners and the people of God throughout the diocese.
  • Be a vibrant and visible group within the parish, working together and promoting meaningful parishioner involvement at all levels of parish life.
  • Reflect on and plan future directions for the parish and prioritise initiatives to be undertaken.
  • Provide the on-going formation, evaluation and training for Council members and existing groups in the parish.
  • Be a channel of communication within the parish and diocese.
  • Recognise work already done, affirm the contribution of those involved and celebrate the gifts and achievements of all parishioners.

A newsletter is published quarterly by the Parish Pastoral Council. A sub group of the Pastoral Council work hard to ensure that the newsletter contains information from both Parish and community.

Contact :

Parish Office (0402) 317 16

Arklow Parish Hospitality Group

Arklow Parish Hospitality Group recognises that hospitality is an important aspect of the Social Life of their Parish and aims to promote Parish Hospitality and fellowship among Parishioners and guests.

The group hosts receptions for a variety of parish functions in the Parish Centre, Árus Lorcáin. The group is made up of 13 dedicated volunteers. Major responsibilities are in preparing and running various parish social events including planning, set-up, operation and clean – up; and purchasing food

A coffee morning is held in Árus Lorcáin on the second Sunday of the month after 9a.m. and 10.45a.m. Masses. All are invited and very welcome to drop in for a cuppa and a chat.

Christ gave us the exquisite example of hospitality at the last supper when he got down and washed the disciple’s feet.
And he commanded us, who would claim t be his followers, to do likewise.

New members are always welcome.


Hilary Sharpe.
Tel: (085) 112 0642
Email: [email protected]

Ministers of the Word

This group of men and women proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and weekday liturgies. Ministers of the Word also, from time to time, participate in the parish and diocesan workshops for spiritual growth and seek to maintain appropriate skills and qualities needed for the proclamation of the Word. Readers receive rosters every two months.


Geraldine English.
Tel: (0402) 317 16

Liturgy Group

The Parish Liturgy Group assists in the preparation for day to day parish liturgies and special celebrations. They meet on a monthly basis in Árus Lorcáin to discuss and prepare the different liturgies. They also assist in helping the Priests with liturgies for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Family Mass Liturgy
The Family Mass takes place in our Parish Church each Saturday at 6.30p.m.

The Parish Liturgy Group work with a group of young people who participate in this Liturgy each week. The Liturgy of the Mass is simplified in accordance with the norms for “Masses with Young People” and there is a powerpoint presentation of the readings and prayers of the Mass.


Denise Rowlands
Tel: (086) 104 9769.

Eucharistic Ministers

The purpose of this ministry is to assist in distributing the Blessed Sacrament at all Masses. They also carry the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebond. This service includes bringing the Eucharist to the housebound on the occasion of special celebrations in our parish. A roster is prepared each year for every Minister denoting their Mass times. Distributing Holy Communion at each morning Mass is arranged on a weekly basis. Eucharistic Ministers participate in special training and periods of recollection for spiritual growth.

Tel : (0402) 317 16 | Email : [email protected]
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