
Ministers of the Word

April 8th, 2011

This group of men and women proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and weekday liturgies. Ministers of the Word also, from time to time, participate in the parish and diocesan workshops for spiritual growth and seek to maintain appropriate skills and qualities needed for the proclamation of the Word. Readers receive rosters every two months.


Geraldine English.
Tel: (0402) 317 16

Liturgy Group

April 8th, 2011

The Parish Liturgy Group assists in the preparation for day to day parish liturgies and special celebrations. They meet on a monthly basis in Árus Lorcáin to discuss and prepare the different liturgies. They also assist in helping the Priests with liturgies for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Family Mass Liturgy
The Family Mass takes place in our Parish Church each Saturday at 6.30 p.m.

The Parish Liturgy Group work with a group of young people who participate in this Liturgy each week. The Liturgy of the Mass is simplified in accordance with the norms for “Masses with Young People” and there is a powerpoint presentation of the readings and prayers of the Mass.


Denise Rowlands
Tel: (086) 104 9769.

Eucharistic Ministers

April 8th, 2011

The purpose of this ministry is to assist in distributing the Blessed Sacrament at all Masses. They also carry the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebond. This service includes bringing the Eucharist to the housebound on the occasion of special celebrations in our parish. A roster is prepared each year for every Minister denoting their Mass times. Distributing Holy Communion at each morning Mass is arranged on a weekly basis. Eucharistic Ministers participate in special training and periods of recollection for spiritual growth.

Altar Servers

April 8th, 2011

This group of young men and women from our primary and secondary schools assist the Parish Community in its liturgical prayer. In addition to the special opportunity afforded to the servers to participate in the liturgy, other goals of the altar server programme are: to help them develop a better understanding of their faith.

Practice for Altar servers takes place on a weekly basis in the Church.

Other activities include a day of recollection and the altar servers outing.

Sts. Mary and Peters Arklow

March 7th, 2011


Weekday Mass: 10am Mon to Fri
Sunday Mass: Sat vigil 6.30pm.  Sunday 8.30am 11.30am & 7pm
Adoration Holy Hour
Tuesday, Friday & Sunday 3 to 4pm.
Rosary daily after 10am Mass.
Public Welcome and please follow the guidance of our Stewards and follow the protocols to safeguard each other.

Relay Service

Mass and other services are relayed daily from the church. A special receiver can be obtained for this through the parish office.

History of the Church
650-1216 (Inber De) Arklow part of the Diocese of Glendalough

1216 Diocese of Glendalough and Dublin united

1264 Foundation of the Dominican Priory of Holy Cross on grant from Theobald Butler 4th

1279 Arklow Parish Church dedicated to St. Mary

1473 Boundaries of Parish established

1541 Suppression of Priory of Holy Cross

1630 Mass House erected at Ballyraine

1745 Public Catholic Chapel on II “Chapel Grounds”

1798 Chapels at “Chapel Grounds”, Castletown & Johnstown burned by Yeomen (more below)

1803 Chapels erected on parade Grounds (existing site), Johnstown & Castletown

1861 Dedication by Paul Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin, of Parish Church Sts. Mary & Peter

1974 Castletown parish constituted from Arklow

1993 Re-ordering of Sanctuary of Parish Church

2000 Parish Church is one of 12 churches designated as a Church of Pilgrimage for the Jubilee Year

2003 Opening of Arus Lorcain by Desmond Cardinal Connell

2011 150th Jubliee of Church

Our Church
On the slope of the hill our Church stands,
A monument to God and the faith of Ireland.
Built by our fathers in days of yore,
A house of prayer there we adore.
The loving Saviour that for us died,
Crucified at Calvary on a cross raised high.
To our Church we were brought at life’s dawn,
For the shepherd the lamb to fold
In the mantle of our mother
At the font of faith enrolled.
And at its altar we were made one for ever.
In the presence of the Eucharistic King
Two hearts joined together
with God’s blessing on a gold ring.
When the grim reaper gathers his harvest,
And grinds the grain of life in his mill
We will pay our last visit,
To our Church on the slope of the hill.

Tel : (0402) 317 16 | Email : [email protected]
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