
Bereavement and Loss

February 10th, 2011


supporting and helping people bereaved through suicide 1800 201890

Irish Sudden Infant Death Association

Offers support to families bereaved by Sudden Infant Death and others affected by it 1850 391391


A peer-support programme to assist children, youth and adults who are grieving a death, separation or other painful transition in their family. Tel: 01-4734175

St. David’s Johnstown

November 8th, 2010

Sundays & Holy Days: 10.00 a.m.

Divine Mercy Prayer Group

August 20th, 2010

Divine Mercy Prayer Group meet immediately after the 7.30pm Mass on Wednesday 2tth September in Church of Our Lady and St David, Sallins Rd. Naas

Keeping Holy Week Holy

March 28th, 2010

Palm Sunday begins the journey of Holy Week. We invite you in whatever way possible to keep this week sacred.  We are all busy in our own lives with so many things to do and so many places to be.  Perhaps this week we can take some time to reflect on our faith and our lives? We invite you to make a special effort to attend the Holy Week Ceremonies, times of which are posted on the homepage notices.

The Holy Thursday mass is a reminder to us of the importance of the Eucharist, and the link between the Eucharist and service of others as symbolised in the washing of the feet.

Good Friday has for long been a sacred day. It is very easy to allow it to become an ordinary day, and so we really need to make a conscious effort to make it special and to try to attend one of the ceremonies of the day.  If you cannot attend a ceremony, then perhaps take a few moments in your home to kiss or venerate a cross, perhaps leading your children or family into the tradition also.  The cross is central to our faith, – Jesus offered his life on the cross so that you and I might have the fullness of life on this earth and the promise of eternal life. He has taken our sins upon himself and won us forgiveness.

Holy Saturday night is a very special night for Christians.  Again, worth the effort to try to attend. It is our celebration of the risen Lord. Jesus has broken the chains of death and has won for us a new life.  He gives us hope.  He is a light in darkness, a light that darkness cannot overcome. And in the midst of our economic struggles, our church and faith struggles, and our own personal and family struggles, we turn to our risen Lord who gives us hope and who promises to be with us always.

Easter Day – ‘And lo the winter is past, rains are over and gone, flowers appear on the earth, glad songs are heard’ – For Christ is risen today. Alleluia. May he live again in our hearts of faith, hope and love!  Alleluia! He is truly risen.

May the journey of this Holy Week strengthen your faith, and bring you hope, comfort and peace.

St. John’s Senior School

December 2nd, 2009

Coolgreaney Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow

Tel: (0402) 325 45

Principal: Joy Loughlin

This school caters for boys and girls from 3rd to 6th class. The ethos of this school is to provide an integrated education for the children, to include their academic, emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual development.

Tel : (0402) 317 16 | Email : [email protected]
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